Wasps, Inverness Creative Academy, Midmills Building, Stephen's St, Inverness, IV2 3JP

Managing Strategic Change through Story

We explain why storytelling is key to guiding people through strategic change and transformation.

The key to managing strategic change effectively is the art of storytelling. This means that the people in teams or organisations have an active role when transformation takes hold. They feel, and are, part of it. Story is the key that opens the door to positive transformation.

Organisations have always had to evolve and change. Now, as a result of the Covid pandemic, they have to transform more rapidly and radically than ever. With change comes uncertainty, anxiety and even fear. That is entirely understandable. It is entirely human. So we need human focussed approaches to help us through it: to accept change rather than dread it. Ultimately, so that we can embrace transformation and realise new possibilities.

We use storytelling to help manage negative emotions, and to help teams imagine – and prepare for – the new future. Critically, it’s about how they will get there together. With our approach, change doesn’t need to be scary…it can be enjoyable. It can even be exhilarating.

StrategyStory’s Kate Hooper explains a little more about how this works:

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StrategyStory supports businesses to develop strategies that work. This means strategy as collective action rather than a dusty document. We deliver through partnership programmes, online learning, workshops, seminars and public speaking. We deliver lectures, talks and sessions on strategy and storytelling at private and public events.

If you’d like to arrange a conversation, please contact us at hello@strategystory.co.uk

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